Customizing and Sharing Dashboard Layouts

Not only can you customize and share individual widgets, but you can do the same with entire dashboard layouts.  This allows organizations and individuals to build and share dashboard layouts which are most relevant to their work, and can save time by removing the need for most users to copy/create shared widgets.

There are three different categories of dashboard layouts: Yours (including Ad Hoc); Shared; and Built-In.  You can view these by clicking on the dashboard button on the left of the Landscape dashboard screen.


Your Layouts

Ad Hoc Layout

Any unsaved customized layout is the 'Ad Hoc Layout'.  If you make any changes to any dashboard layouts, that new layout will become your new Ad Hoc Layout.  It is therefore very important to save any layout you want to return to by using the save (mceclip1.png) button.

Other Layouts That Belong to You

Any other layouts that you've built and saved will appear under 'Your Layouts'.  Click on the 'share' button to share a layout.  It will then appear in the 'Shared' layout category for all users.  



Changes made to a layout that belongs to you and has been shared will be translated to all dashboards using your layout.  So, if you are the owner of the Stewardship Dashboard Layout that all stewardship staff are using and you update a widget, that change will be reflected on all dashboards using the Stewardship Dashboard Layout.  Changes that users make to your dashboard layout will result in a new Ad Hoc Layout for them, which they will then need to save.  This will also results in the 'link' being broken between your dashboard layout and theirs, and so changes you make to the layout will not be reflected in their dashboard.

Shared Layouts

Shared layouts are layouts made by users in your organization that have been shared.  Layouts which you've shared will appear in this section for other users.

Built-In Layouts

These are Landscape's default layouts, built based on what various staff may want to visualize from their dashboards.  If you are viewing a built-in layout and then begin to make changes to it, it will become your new Ad Hoc Layout (under 'Your Layouts') until you save it.

Adding Widgets to the Dashboard Layout

You can add a widget to the layout by clicking on the (+) button next to 'Widgets in this layout':


When you add a new widget to the dashboard layout, you will be prompted to create a new or add an existing.  The 'add existing widget' drop down menu has access to the same categories as dashboard layouts -- you can select your widgets, shared widgets, and built-in widgets in the available options. This article covers widget creation in greater detail.



Dashboard Layout Settings for New Accounts*

*Must be an Admin

You can change the dashboard layout of your new users by going to Settings -->Account --> General, and then changing the 'Default Dashboard Layout for New Users' field. The drop down menu will display all shared and built-in widgets.  This is useful if, for example, you're adding a new staff member and you want the to see the project management layout you've created and shared.  You could change this setting prior to adding the user so that when they log in, they see the project management layout without having to alter any dashboard settings themselves.


Saving a Dashboard Layout

Once you begin editing an existing layout, it becomes an Ad Hoc Layout, which can then be saved. Click on the cloud button to save the layout.


Standard users will only have the option of saving a new layout. However, Administrators will have the additional option of saving over an existing built-in layout. If this option is selected, you will just need to choose which built-in layout to overwrite.  This option is useful if you want to redefine the default or other built-in layouts for your organization.  Normally, however, you'll just save it as a new layout and then share it to everyone.



Example: Creating a New Stewardship Layout

Important: If you like your existing Ad Hoc layout, it's important that you save it and give it a name prior to making a new layout.  Once you start making a new layout, it will turn into an Ad Hoc Layout, overwriting your existing Ad Hoc Layout.

My aim here is to have a layout that is occupied mostly by a map of Monitoring Obligations, colored by completion (Green = Complete, Red = Incomplete), with a list of outstanding issues, recent communications, and an obligation count on the right.


Starting from the Default dashboard layout (although you could start from any layout), I'll simply start editing and removing widgets. To remove a widget from the layout, click the three dots in the upper left corner and select 'remove from layout'.



This same process can be used if you add a widget which you later decide isn't necessary.



If you are editing your own widgets, then just like with dashboard layouts those changes will be preserved in all users using those widgets as well. However, if you edit an existing shared (with you) or built-in widget, those changes will only apply to your widget.


Here's my layout when I'm done:



Save the dashboard layout and give it a name.  



It will then appear under 'Your Layouts':



You can then choose to edit it by adding/editing/moving widgets, copy it, edit it, or delete it.





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