Landscape has specific definitions for each Layer type. Listed below are the Layer types, and how they're used within Landscape. Unless otherwise noted, areas, lines, and points will be described together:
Uneditable / Aggregate / Automatic Layers
These layers are automatically generated by Landscape, and their geography is not editable. The only way to change their geographies is by editing their respective source layers.
All Properties - All properties in Landscape.
All Parcels - All parcels in Landscape.
All Stewardship Sites - All Stewardship Sites in Landscape.
Auto Property Boundary / "Property Boundary" - This layer looks at all of the boundaries that make up a Property and eliminates interior lines, so that only the exterior boundary is showing.
Auto Stewardship Site Boundary / "Site Boundary" - This layer looks at all of the boundaries that make up a property and eliminates interior lines, so that only the exterior boundary is showing. Very useful for decluttering maps of Stewardship Sites that contain multiple parcels or properties.
Grouped Record Boundaries - shows all records which are grouped with your current record (changes based on whether you're looking at Stewardship Site or Property Map)
Editable Layers
<Name of Parcel> Boundary - Landscape automatically creates an area layer for each Parcel, which appears on the Layer menu by default. Editing these area geographies will edit the parcel boundary, which will be passed along to any associated property or stewardship site boundaries.
Project Goal / Goal Geography (Area / Line / Point) - When you create a new project and associate it with a component (a stewardship site or property) you can also add geography specific to that goal. Typically this layer would only be used for projects on properties which are already current holdings, otherwise you would simply use the property boundary as reference for your project.
Baseline Geography (Area / Line / Point) - Geography which you want to store with Baseline information can be created and edited from a Baseline Report Property Asset.
Stewardship Site Geography (Area / Line / Point) - Any Stewardship Site geography that is NOT the boundary. This could include specific management areas, trails, or points of interest. Some organizations also keep Building Envelope or Restricted Area data within this layer.
Property Geography (Area / Line / Point) - Any Property geography that is NOT the boundary. Typically this will include legally defined areas, since Properties are where you store most of the legal framework. For example, this could include separate easements or rights of way that are held over the property.
Issue Geography (Area / Line / Point) - Any issue or potential issue which is tracked in the 'Status' tab of a Stewardship Site can have its own geography. For example, if a large area was excavated, you could create an issue area to represent it on a map. A small pile of trash could be represented as a single point.
Structure / Use Geography (Area / Line / Point) - Any structure that you want to keep track of within a Stewardship Site can have its own geography. Some organizations use this field to track trails.
Lease Geography (Area / Line / Point) - Use this geography to track the geographic extent of leases. Lease area is commonly used for agricultural leases.
Conservation Values Geography (Area / Line / Point) - Conservation Values are metrics that your organization can use to quantify successes. They can be numbers of farms protected, acres of forests, miles of river frontage, or anything else you'd like to keep track of. Conservation Values are added and edited through Property --> Conservation Values --> Individual entries.
Site Visit Geography (Area / Line / Point) - Geography associated with individual Site Visits. When you collect a track within a site visit using the mobile app, it gets stored as a Site Visit Line. Similarly, points can contain photo information from the visit.
Amendment Geography (Area) - When creating an amendment Asset, you can also create distinct amendment geography. This geography can specifically be used when you're adding or subtracting acreage from a Property.