Tasks Overview, and Using Tasks in Projects

Tasks are just 'to-do' items that can be assigned to users in your organization.  Tasks can be assigned to a Property or Stewardship Site, or can be a part of a Project (which is in turn associated with a Property/Stewardship Site or multiple Properties/Sites).  

Managing email alerts with Tasks

Landscape can send emails automatically based on task status.  The settings for these email alerts can be customized in the 'Your Profile' menu.  


Using this menu, you can choose to be notified via email based on the various options.  If you choose 'When an alert is added', for example, you will receive an email when a task is added to Landscape.  That task must be assigned to you in order for the email to be sent, and for the settings to apply (in other words, these settings will only apply to your account and your assigned tasks).



The Dashboard Tasks List

 From the dashboard, you can click on the task button on the left side of the window to see a list of all tasks assigned to you.  


From this menu, you can filter by status and name (completed tasks are filtered out by default), as well as edit the tasks.  Click on the mceclip16.pngbutton to view the task details, including which Property or Stewardship Site the task is associated with.


If you add a task from this window by clicking the (+) button it will not be associated with any Property or Stewardship Site.  Adding an 'unassociated' task can be good for tracking general 'to-do' items.


Tasks associated with Properties or Stewardship Sites

If you don't have a project, but want to add a task associated with a Property, you can do so via the mceclip1.png button on the left side of the window from the details page of a Property or Stewardship Site.




The task pane that opens shows all of the tasks associated with that Property.  If you are in a Stewardship Site, the list will be limited to the Stewardship Site.  The results can be filtered by clicking the filter button next to the column headers.  By default, Landscape will filter out all tasks with a 'Completed' status.  

Add a new task by clicking the plus button. 




Fill out the basic details of the Task, including the Task Name, Owner, Status, and a Timeline.  By default, the owner will be the user that created the task.  Change the dates of the timeline by clicking on the timeline field and entering a day for the start by (left) and end (right) date.  Adding start and end dates is optional, and a Task can have either, neither, or both.




 You can keep the task as simple as that, but if you want to add more details you can click the edit button to the left of the task.




From the window that opens, you can add a further description, set recurrence for repeating tasks, or add notes associated with the task.



When the task is completed, set the status to 'Completed'.

Tasks in Projects

Tasks have a central role within Projects, and are the main intended way to track 'to-do' items associated with an active Project.

Tasks are associated with Goals within a Project.  Start a new Project and enter a Goal to begin adding Tasks.  


You can add individual Tasks by pressing the (+) button to the left of 'Tasks', or if you have a workflow that's repeated often (for example, a project assessment checklist that gets used for every project) you can make a Task checklist and apply that.  To make a new checklist, go to Settings --> Work --> Checklists, and click the (+) Button. 


Give your Checklist a name, and add Tasks to it by pressing the (+) button.  


Click and drag the three dots to reorder the tasks.



Tasks can be placed in groups as well.  To add a new group, click the three dots to the left and select 'Add another group of tasks'. Give that group a name, and add tasks to it just like the first group.



Here's an example of a grouped checklist for a Land Conservation project.  You can see it's broken into Approvals, Due Diligence, and Closing tasks: 




Back in the Goal editor, you can use the same process to make groups within task lists.  The difference is that the Task list you make won't be available to other Goals.

Tying Tasks to Work Items

In Projects, 'Work' is just another name for a thing you do to generate a completed Property Asset.  As you complete Work items, you generate the assets which are tied to the Property Record.  When the Project is over, those assets will already be in the appropriate location.  

Conveniently, Tasks can be tied to completed Work. This means that when you complete a Task, you can tell Landscape to tie the completion of that Task to a completed Work item.  This workflow is great for comprehensive project management.

For example, suppose one of my Tasks within a project is to get a survey done for a parcel.  The survey is completed, and I go to complete the Task.  To update the Task, I could just change the status to completed, but I want to attach the Survey to the property record, too, so I click the 'Edit' button.



Fill in the updated details and then click on the (+) button next to Completed Work:



The 'Add Work Item' opens.  Choose 'New Work' unless there is an existing Asset for the item.  Choose 'Survey' from the drop down menu.


Note: If the work item isn't on the list, it means it isn't an available Property Asset type.  In that case, you can just add it as a generic 'Property Asset'.

Press 'OK' and you're taken to the survey property asset page, where you can fill out details related to the survey and attach the survey as a document: 




 Press the mceclip12.png to go back to the Goal editor, where you can see the completed work item within the Goal.




The survey will also appear on the associated Property Asset page.  







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