Mapping Basics

With the exception of dashboard maps, the map displayed alongside whatever record you're working in changes based on what you're viewing in the database, allowing you to add context to whatever record you're working on. For example, if you are editing an issue record and open the map, you will be able to add a location and photos for that issue. If you're adding details to a conservation value, you will be able to map data for that conservation value. Adding a site visit track and photo points (if you didn't use the Landscape Mobile App) takes place within a site visit record. The title of the map (displayed at the top of the layers pane) tells you which map you're operating in.

Understanding how maps are laid out in Landscape will help you understand how to best arrange your map data.  To get started, click the layers button from any record map (ie. not a map on your dashboard or in a report, but contained within a Property, Stewardship Site, or Project record)


Layer Options:


1_circle.png Clicking the three dots will open a menu allowing you to edit or export the layer.

2_circle.png Clicking the eyeball will toggle the layer visibility on or off

3_circle.png Click on the swatch to access the layer appearance menu, where you can change the symbology of the layer.

4_circle.png The layer name can be edited by clicking on it


The Layers Pane:



At the top of the map 1_circle.png is the map title.  In this case, it's a Property Map, but there are also Stewardship Site Maps, Site Visit Maps, Issue Maps, Lease Maps, and Structures & Use Maps.  In order to navigate to any of those maps, you need to navigate to the item that gives the map its title.  For example, to see the Issues map and edit Issue geography, you'll need to navigate to an individual issue.  

Below the map title 2_circle.png are the editable layers for that map.  The editable layers group for the map depends on the map you're viewing.  For a property map, you can see that the property geography (areas, lines, and polygons) are listed with the parcel boundary.  You can collapse and expand these groups by clicking on the mceclip0.png to the left of the layer.  

Context layers 3_circle.png are the uneditable layers on the map, but are still available to add to your map for context.  These layers can be visualized on the map and their symbology can be altered, but you will need to navigate directly to them in order to perform any edits.

Finally, the basemaps 4_circle.png are listed at the bottom.  Only one basemap can be displayed at a time.  Click on the mceclip1.pngicon next to a basemap to toggle it on or off.


Viewing Layers which are set to "Style by ____"

Layers which have multiple symbologies assigned to them (as in the "Management Units" layer below) will automatically display all symbologies contained within that layer.  You can toggle them on or off individually by clicking the eyeball next to each item, or toggle the entire layer off by clicking the eyeball next to the parent layer name (in this case, "Management Units")



Ordering Layers

In many GIS applications, and in past versions of Landscape, the order that layers are displayed in is determined by dragging the layers up and down.  However, in the current version of Landscape, Layer order is changed by bringing the layer front or sending it backwards.  

Click on the three dots to the left of the layer and select 'Bring to Front' to bring the layer all the way to the front.  'Bring Forward' will bring it forward by one interval.  Likewise, 'Send Backward' will send the layer one interval back, while 'Send to Back' will send it all the way to the back (but still in front of the basemap layer, which will always remain on bottom).






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