The Timeline view allows you to view and edit the timeline for a project, goal, or view (but not edit) multiple projects or tasks through views. Before viewing your timeline, you'll need to add tasks.
Timeline View Basics
From any project, click on the 'Project Timeline' Button.
The project timeline will open. The project timeline displays the timeline of all goals for a project. If you regularly use multiple goals, it is very useful for viewing an entire rundown of the Project. The goal name is displayed at the top of the timeline (1). Task groups (2) are displayed with the task group name. Individual tasks (3) are displayed with their name and are color coded according to their status. (Default: Red = Not Started, Blue = Waiting, Yellow = In Progress, Green = Completed).
Any grouping can be expanded or minimized by using the button. For example, here I've minimized the main acquisition goal tasks to focus on the stewardship goal for this project:
The task group headers will expand automatically to encompass the timeline of all component tasks. In the above screenshot, 'Stewardship Work' shows the full timeline of the 'Perform BDR Visit', 'Write BDR', and 'Obtain Landowner Signature'
To move a task item, click and hold on the task indicator. A dotted outline will appear. Move the task to a new time by dragging it.
You can expand a task forward in time by hovering over the right edge of a task indicator. When the cursor changes to the drag icon, you can drag the due date forward in time (pushing the 'Due On' date back, but keeping the start date the same). Be aware that changing the due date will generate email alerts, if you have that setting activated on your account.
You can zoom in and out of your timeline by using the extent selector in the upper left corner. Selecting 'Extent' will zoom out to full extent of the project. You can also click on a month to zoom to that month.
When zoomed in, arrows will appear to indicate where off-screen tasks are. You can click on the arrows to navigate directly to those tasks in the timeline:
To make edits to a task, simply click on the task indicator. The task editor pane will open. From here you can edit the name, description, owner, and status, as well as the required work category and type (if applicable). If a task does require work to mark as complete, you'll need to navigate back to the project and enter the relevant work items:
Goal Timeline
The goal timeline behaves exactly like the project timeline, but only displays information for a particular goal. The goal timeline is accessible from the goal editor, and is only available when there's more than one goal.
Using Timelines in Views
The Timeline View is also accessible to Views, meaning that you can display the timeline of all projects, tasks, or query the results to display only timeline information for what you're looking for.
For example, to see a timeline view of all projects, go to the 'Views' tab from the dashboard, change the dropdown menu to 'All Projects' and then click on the three dots next to 'Project Results' and select 'Display as Timeline'
The timelines of all projects are displayed. Click on the 'i' button to see more information, or click on the timeline indicator to navigate directly to the record.
As another example, if you want to make a timeline view of all of the tasks assigned to you, click on the (+) button to create a new Ad Hoc view, and select 'Tasks' from the drop down menu.
Now build the right query. Click on where it says 'Name' and scroll down to and click where it says 'Assigned To'. Then select 'User Name'
Choose the user name(s) whose tasks you'd like to display. If you're creating this widget so that staff can see their respective tasks, choose (Current User). Then click the check mark next to 'Tasks'.
Click on the three dots next to 'Task Results' and select 'Display as Timeline'
Don't forget to save your view if you'd like to recall it later. You can also save the view as a Widget and it will appear on your dashboard.