After you add boundary information for your parcel you can use the 'Get Locations From Map' Button to automatically fill in some of the parcel fields. It also calculates the parcel acreage based on the polygon you've entered/uploaded. The accuracy of the results depends on the accuracy of the 3 different online map services which are queried, and some fields may not be available for certain areas.
If your Property has multiple parcels, choose the correct parcel record. The 'Get Locations' button is in the upper left hand corner. In this record, I've only filled out the status and the interest. All other fields are blank.
An alert appears, asking if you want to 'replace all' fields or 'fill empty'. Since I haven't filled anything out, I'll choose 'replace all'. However, if I had filled out some of the fields and I wanted to be careful not to overwrite that data, I would choose 'Fill Empty'.
A spinning circle appears beside the 'editing parcel' text. The query could take a moment.
The result: The acreage, state, county, local jurisdiction, congressional districts, upper and lower state house districts were all filled in. I will need to manually fill in the rest of the fields.
If there's only one parcel in the Property record, click on the three dots next to 'parcel details' to access the 'Get Locations' button.