Property assets are records for work undertaken by your organization for a particular property interest. Assets can be used to store documents related to these records, and certain assets have fields that are particular to that asset type, like the 'Appraised Value' field in an appraisal record, or the ability to capture map data, as in a Baseline Report asset. You can also create your own custom assets. Enter a new asset record by navigating to a property record, then clicking on the assets tab, then click on the plus button next to 'Property Assets' and select the appropriate asset type.
All assets have a 'status', 'name', 'date' (started on and ended on), and 'summary' field. They also all have a documents, notes, personnel (for tracking labor), expenses, and funding section (to access the funding section, click on the hand button next to 'Expenses').
Here are the types of assets that come with Landscape, and what they are used for:
Amendment assets are for recording simple the details of simple amendment, like those that clarify language or add acreage to an existing easement. This article has more on tracking amendments with assets. For more complex amendments, you may wish to create a brand new property record.
For tracking appraisals on properties. Appraisals have the fields:' Type'; 'Appraised Value' ($); 'Before Value' ($); 'After Value' ($); 'Per-Unit Value' ($), and 'Appraiser'. 'Appraiser' will actually refer to a contact record within Landscape.
For documenting necessary approvals (board of directors, conservation commission, stewardship committee, etc.). Approvals have an additional 'Type' field, as well as access to Landscape Forms. Forms can be used in this context to guarantee that a project meets certain criteria, for example.
Baseline Report
Baseline report assets are for capturing the details of a baseline report for a property. Baseline reports have access to a special map layer, and so can be used to store photopoints and photos. Many organizations use these baseline photopoints to capture the information for reference photopoints that they revisit every year. This is handy because the app will always download and display the 'Baseline Reports' layer.
Note that a baseline report asset cannot be created or collected with the mobile app. Instead, you should collect that data as site visit data and then copy it into the baseline report asset.
Donation Substantiation
Used primarily for recording 8283 forms. This asset has its own types (default to '8283 Form' or 'Contemporaneous Acknowledgement of Gift'). It is also queried by the special LTA Accreditation Report.
Encumbrance is used to track additional easements or restrictions held on your interest, like utility easements that overlay your conservation easements, or a conservation easement held by a third party on a property you own in fee. Encumbrances have their own map data so that these restrictions can be seen on other maps in Landscape, and in the field with the mobile app.
This asset type is not for describing the interest that you hold - that information is captured by the entire property record the asset belongs to. In some rare cases, an encumbrance can refer to an additional restriction that your organization holds, but this should probably also be represented by its own separate property record in Landscape.
Property Asset
Used for recording general work / labor / expenses, like additional legal work.
Purchase Agreement
Purchase agreements have their own additional type, as well as Executed date, Expires on date, Amount ($), and Earnest money ($). They also have an additional 'Contingencies' section. You can add as many contingencies as you need by clicking on the (+) button next to 'contingencies' and entering a name, expires on date, and satisfied on date.
This agreement asset record is completely separate from a funding agreement, although you may also wish to track your purchase agreement as a funding agreement.
Site Visit
Site Visit assets are for capturing preliminary site visits. Site visit assets have their own map data and access to forms, just like a stewardship site site visit. Many organizations have a 'preliminary site visit form'. Once a property is protected and management begins, you should create a stewardship site for the property and begin tracking site visits there. You can toggle the mobile app between collecting site visits for properties and stewardship sites via the app Settings > 'View and Collect Data For...' option.
For capturing information on any property survey. Has a 'surveyor' field which is linked to an actual contact record.
Title Work
For capturing information on the Title Work. Has its own additional 'Type' field. 'Title Company' is linked to an actual contact record. Also has an 'Insured Amount' ($) field, and a 'Reference Number' field.
Custom Assets
You can add assets to the dropdown list of available asset types via 'Settings' > 'List Items' > 'Properties' > 'Property Assets'. Custom assets have access to the standard fields listed above (name, status, date, and summary). Custom assets also have access to forms. Note that there are several custom asset types which are already included in the list: Recorded Document used for adding the recorded easement, deed, etc.; Process Document; and Endowment Pledge which can be used to track stewardship endowment information, as outlined in this article.
Tip: If you use assets primarily to record past work rather than using them to record work on active projects, you may want to change the default status to 'Completed' so you don't have to remember to change it from 'Not Started'. Via Settings > List Items > Properties > 'Asset Statuses' > click on the star next to 'Completed'. |